The below 'Recording Service' is for Moorish-Americans that are seeking assistance in completing their written nationalization documents for publication; and the below 'National Identity Card' is for qualified Moorish-Americans.
Our RECORDING SERVICES cost $160 and include the following:
- Your nationalization documents ('Legal Notice' and 'Judicial Proclamation') will be printed, signed and sealed by the Office of the Consul General;
- Your nationalization documents will be filed in the records of Morocco Consular Court and sent to you via priority mail with a filed date stamp;
- Your nationalization documents will be published on our website for 4 weeks as 'Public Notice' and you will receive a receipt via email regarding the publication.
Click the below link to review the 'Declare Your Nationality' page where your nationalization documents will be posted as 'Public Notice':
What makes a valid 'PUBLIC NOTICE'?
There are four (4) elements that mark a valid 'public notice':
1. The notice must be published from an independent party;
2. The publication must be archivable;
3. The publication must be accessible; and
4. The publication must be verifiable.
Why record in Consular Court and make public?
Your 'Legal Notice' and 'Judicial Proclamation' are written declarations of your nationality / citizenship and status. When your written declaration is made on the public record before the world, this act constitutes the first essential of 'due process of law' called "Notice" (see Black's Law Dictionary, 5th Edition, page 449, 'Due process of law').